erika williams headshot

Full Name Erika Williams

School Graduated University of Kentucky

Year Graduated 2022

Degree(s) Obtained Bachelor of Science in Information Communication Technology, Minors in Criminology and Computer Science

Current Job Title Lab Operations Analyst

Sector / Division Defend E

# Years interned at ManTech 3 Months

Year of conversion to FTE 2022


Describe your internship experiences at ManTech. Elaborate on what you worked on, what you learned, etc.

I was brought on as an intern at the end of May, right after my graduation from the University of Kentucky, as an Operations Analyst intern. During my time working in Operations, I attended daily scrums for several different government agencies that DEFEND-E supports, learned daily tasks that the team performs to support these agencies, and developed my professionalism skills in a professional – yet friendly – work environment. Towards the end of my internship, I moved onto the brand-new lab team, which is where I am working now in my full-time position.

How did the internship experience(s) prepare you for your full-time career?

My internship experiences definitely prepared me for my full-time career, not only because I learned new technical skills that will help me in any IT job I might get down the line, but I also learned about networking and professionalism. These skills are not always taught during college, so learning them in my first internship out of school has helped me immensely.