
Data Analytics

Converting data into actionable intelligence.


Every mission with a data management component by definition includes analytics, the driver of actionable intelligence. With big data volumes rapidly approaching yottabyte levels, achieving the end game of data management and analytics grows more complex and challenging by the moment. Mission success hinges on in-depth understanding of – and experience with – each step in this process.

In the realm of big data, ManTech takes a structured approach to developing systems that deliver results. Our systems comprise robust ingest engines and data lakes, fault-tolerant databases for unstructured data, programming models for processing large data sets, query engines with instrumentation to support robust hunt missions, and analytics that score and comb output for high-value intelligence. Open and extensible Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) support performance to facilitate visualizations that reveal trends, network affiliations and other details that might not be immediately evident. 

As artificial intelligence (AI) takes the IT world by storm, ManTech is well-positioned to support our customers’ needs. We augment the speed and depth of analytics by leveraging machine learning, neural networks and other forms of AI vital to correlation, regression, prediction, or other automation to support analytical modeling.


Data Collection

server room worker

ManTech architects, designs, engineers and deploys ingest sub-systems with the ability to manage all types of data formats – structured, semi-structured and unstructured – end-to-end from the acquisition phase through processing, clean-up and tagging at various volumes and velocities. We collaborate with key government stakeholders (data owners, data stewards, system owners, and others) to establish comprehensive governance practices that establish best practices for adjudicating department, agency, and organizationally relevant rules to ensure efficient data collection, management and access. In a major step beyond commercial data management systems, we offer features essential to supporting the missions of military and IC customers:

  • Ingest at scale with tagging
  • Streaming, batch and hybrid capabilities
  • Data stores with auth engine
  • API engine to auth engine of data store
  • Minimization processes for analytics reports
  • Robust tagging to support logical tagging of data by type
  • Public key infrastructure (PKI) for user access
  • Identity and Access Management (IdaM) with ability to store user/group attributes


control room

Given the diversity of customer missions, there is never any “one-size-fits-all” approach to establishing an analytics program. To deliver the quantitative and qualitative intelligence customers require, the analytics must be specific to the mission. This mapping includes a deep understanding of the mission’s volume, velocity, variety, and veracity requirements beforehand. Among the many forms of analytics that can be designed by ManTech are:

  • Heuristic
  • Predictive
  • Prescriptive
  • Entropy
  • Cyber Metrics
  • Social Clique Finder

Machine Learning

woman coding

Unsupervised machine learning is of growing importance to ManTech customers. The primary role of this form of learning is classification of features that are well understood by mission SMEs and analysts. In this way, our teams can codify analyst-driven business rules into code that implements standard or creative unsupervised learning algorithms around one or many isolated or integrated datasets. We develop models for machine learning tools that deliver intelligence from and are in turn taught by data throughout their lifecycle. Applications:

  • Streaming Analytics
  • Workforce Automation
  • Recommendations Systems
  • Deep Learning
  • Cognitive Computing

Neural Networks

data analytics and neural networks

As data science pushes toward the goal of artificial general intelligence – machines that think like people – neural networks are an important step along the way. Developed to support the specific requirements of our customers, ManTech neural networks leverage rules, environment and intuition to reach “human-like” decisions.

Data Collection

server room worker

ManTech architects, designs, engineers and deploys ingest sub-systems with the ability to manage all types of data formats – structured, semi-structured and unstructured – end-to-end from the acquisition phase through processing, clean-up and tagging at various volumes and velocities. We collaborate with key government stakeholders (data owners, data stewards, system owners, and others) to establish comprehensive governance practices that establish best practices for adjudicating department, agency, and organizationally relevant rules to ensure efficient data collection, management and access. In a major step beyond commercial data management systems, we offer features essential to supporting the missions of military and IC customers:

  • Ingest at scale with tagging
  • Streaming, batch and hybrid capabilities
  • Data stores with auth engine
  • API engine to auth engine of data store
  • Minimization processes for analytics reports
  • Robust tagging to support logical tagging of data by type
  • Public key infrastructure (PKI) for user access
  • Identity and Access Management (IdaM) with ability to store user/group attributes


control room

Given the diversity of customer missions, there is never any “one-size-fits-all” approach to establishing an analytics program. To deliver the quantitative and qualitative intelligence customers require, the analytics must be specific to the mission. This mapping includes a deep understanding of the mission’s volume, velocity, variety, and veracity requirements beforehand. Among the many forms of analytics that can be designed by ManTech are:

  • Heuristic
  • Predictive
  • Prescriptive
  • Entropy
  • Cyber Metrics
  • Social Clique Finder

Machine Learning

woman coding

Unsupervised machine learning is of growing importance to ManTech customers. The primary role of this form of learning is classification of features that are well understood by mission SMEs and analysts. In this way, our teams can codify analyst-driven business rules into code that implements standard or creative unsupervised learning algorithms around one or many isolated or integrated datasets. We develop models for machine learning tools that deliver intelligence from and are in turn taught by data throughout their lifecycle. Applications:

  • Streaming Analytics
  • Workforce Automation
  • Recommendations Systems
  • Deep Learning
  • Cognitive Computing

Neural Networks

data analytics and neural networks

As data science pushes toward the goal of artificial general intelligence – machines that think like people – neural networks are an important step along the way. Developed to support the specific requirements of our customers, ManTech neural networks leverage rules, environment and intuition to reach “human-like” decisions.