Space Range
Protecting the Space
Enterprise From the Ground Up
ManTech’s Space Range
Today, every facet of space, from complex ground stations to data transport facilities, to the spacecraft themselves, faces the same challenge: cyberattacks that can disable systems vital to national & homeland security and military situational awareness. Space assets are equally important to critical infrastructure sectors -- healthcare, emergency services, financial transactions, energy and water supply -- that rely on space-driven GPS, accurate timing and other essential functions.
The Number 1 responsibility of the space community is to safeguard our space assets with advanced cybersecurity solutions that anticipate and defeat attacks.
Enter ManTech’s Space Range
ManTech has embraced the challenge of identifying and capturing the unique threats and vulnerabilities in the space domain with our newest offering, the ManTech Space Range. Built upon the success of ACRE®, ManTech’s innovative and fully operational cyber range, we are expanding our robust, scalable and hyper-realistic range to encompass the unique requirements of a cyber infrastructure supporting a space enterprise.
ManTech’s ACRE range and highly trained team of space and cyber professionals are unrivaled within the IC and DoD. Our offense-informed cyber defense is an integral part of how we replicate any space, ground and network environment at any classification level to tackle today’s toughest cyber threats.
ManTech’s Space Range provides “the right stuff” for customers to train to defend America’s vital space enterprise from the ground up. Most importantly, ManTech’s Space Range provides leaders with the confidence that critical space communications, navigation and intelligence gathering capabilities will be available and reliable when needed most.
Space Range Video
What Sets ManTech’s Space Range Apart
- ManTech’s Space Range is a reusable, flexible, physical and virtualized space and cyber range
- ManTech’s Space Range is built using a Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI) model
- Entire space, ground and network environments can be converted to Software Defined Infrastructure (SDIs) on demand
- Ability to provide a before and after vulnerability assessment
- Realistic network traffic stimulation
- ManTech’s team of Space and Cyber professionals bring an offense-informed cyber defense mindset providing realistic training scenarios
Easy, Accurate and Hyper Realistic
- User-friendly drag-and-drop interfaces facilitate a rapid manual or automated replication of any space environment
- A virtualized environment that replicates highly complex and fragile space architectures
- Realistic IT environments providing the spectrum of networking protocols and devices
- Hands-on realistic real-time cyber defense training
- Live-fire exercises that demonstrate worst case scenarios
- Testing of workforce incident response knowledge
- Accurately validate emergency response options too dangerous to test in an actual environment
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